Young Adult Services

New Vitae Wellness and Recovery initiated services for young adults in 1996 after discovering limited behavioral health options for men and women aged 18 to 25. New Vitae’s services use a strengths-based approach in order to promote personal growth and achieve success through specialized mental health treatment supports. Management of behavioral health symptoms is emphasized while young adults explore educational, vocational, and independent living skill-building goals. Young adults are encouraged to build peer relationships and connect with the local community to further develop their socialization skills.  
Young adults can attend the New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Center for their recovery services. Meetings with a psychiatrist, individual and group therapies, certified peer specialist services, case management, mentoring, and other individualized supports are available. New Vitae’s options for young adults also include:

Residential Choices
Residential behavioral health treatment is available for young adults and families seeking individualized living supports.  Young adults and their families seeking the structure and services associated with our Personal Care Homes can elect to live at New Vitae Mount Trexler Manor or Quakertown House.  As residents gradually develop their confidence when completing independent living skills, a housing continuum is available that permits residents to progress to living in 24/7 supervised shared homes and independent apartments. As needs change, New Vitae provides the opportunity to move fluidly through residential settings to respond to changes and ensure personal safety.

Holistic Care
Staff members assist young adults in gradually developing medication administration skills, scheduling and keeping medical appointments, and maintaining good physical health. Staff members attend community medical appointments with young adult residents to provide support and education. All young adults receive complimentary YMCA memberships in order to maintain or improve their physical health, and nutritional counseling via a registered dietitian is available through our Recovery Center services. Staff support is also provided for establishing or reestablishing spiritual beliefs and practices.

Supports for Life Skills Development and Symptom Management
Experiencing behavioral health symptoms can be a hurdle to transitioning to independent living. New Vitae Wellness and Recovery utilizes various assessment tools to determine areas of need and focuses on supports for those areas.  Modeling, practice, and positive reinforcement can assist with learning to manage a household, with meal planning & preparation, navigating public transportation, clothing care, reading & interpreting bills, and other personal living skills.  

Employment Assistance
Young adults are encouraged to explore work options through supportive and competitive employment choices. Prevocational work options are available through the New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Center and residential sites, with psycho-educational group work to support the process of developing vocational skills. Local community employment is also available. Additionally, young adults may utilize the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) for job coaching and support.

Educational Opportunities
Individual and small group instruction, testing, career exploration, and support for community post-secondary education assist individuals to achieve their personal goals. Home schooling, virtual learning, and traditional school options are available. Our Certified teaching staff assists with Individualized Educational Plans (IEP’s) as needed and provides routine tutoring and supports for goals related to: earning a driver’s license, applying for college, and completing financial aid applications. Young adults are able to obtain their GED or High School diploma or pursue college degrees utilizing these educational supports. Click here to download our brochure on educational services.

Additional information regarding our services for young adults is available through our admissions department. Tours are readily arranged with your schedule in mind. Please click here to download our brochure on young adult services or call for more information!

"I had Major Depression, anxiety, (and) PTSD.  Through deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment, the support of my wife, and the care from New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Center staff, I got my life back."

- Mike D. (deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation user)