
138 East Broad Street
Quakertown, PA 18951

New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Pathways residential services provides supportive housing options that permit a higher degree of flexibility and individualization while continuing to ensure safety and wellness for residents. The Pathways option includes homes and apartments shared by a small number of service participants with 24/7 staffing as well as supported independent apartments. Pathways provides assistance to residents who have developed their independent living skills and are looking for increased independence within the community. Care coordination services are provided to assist with advocacy, to ensure family contact, and to continue personal benefits for all Pathways residents. Additionally, one-to-one and group mentoring is available to focus on goal completion and to assist with increasing independent living skills.

Shared, 24-7 Staffed Homes
The shared home arrangements support up to three people in each house. Residents live together with the assistance of staff in order to learn medication administration techniques, develop their food preparation and meal planning skills, and increase their level of socialization in meaningful ways. Shared, or common spaces throughout the homes include kitchen areas, bathrooms, and family rooms with televisions and activities where residents can gather to provide and receive support from staff and friends. Shared meals and activities are common events, encouraging the development of good citizenship and community.

Apartment Residences
In addition to the options available in our shared homes, New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Pathways also includes opportunities to live in an apartment setting on your own or with a roommate. These spaces are typically reserved for individuals that have mastered activities of daily living and are engaged in community activities, including competitive employment or coursework through local schools. While staff members continue to be available to apartment residents, those who live in our apartment program have also fully developed community supports and other allies to assist in the process of recovery.

Pathways staff also ensures holistic wellness services. Staff members work with each resident to schedule and attend physician appointments and manage health concerns as needed. Pathways residents continue to have the option of services through the New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Center in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. As a result, they also have ready access to their psychiatrist, individual therapist, and the other supports needed to manage behavioral health symptoms.
New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Pathways emphasizes socialization between residents and the community. Routine events and activities are scheduled on a weekly basis. From group trips into the local community to organizing participation in support meetings, Pathways staff assists with planning a variety of options to meet individual and group interests. Pathways residents are also able to participate in Quakertown House activities, which adds an additional level of variety and support when attending local events and making connections in the Bucks and Lehigh Valley communities.

Our goal is to support our residents to achieve maximum independence. For additional information or to schedule a tour of Pathways residential options, please contact our admissions department.

“As parents, we are thankful and appreciative that our son is in Mt. Trexler Manor; it is safe, meets his needs, and is responsive and sensitive to any needs he might have.  We are always involved in any decisions, and the staff responds to any requests in a timely manner.”

- Robert and Lucille H. (parents)